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OctaFX adalah broker forex yang diakui di seluruh dunia. OctaFX menyediakan layanan broker forex untuk klien di lebih dari 100 negara di dunia..

Instaforex Broker

Perusahaan InstaForex memberikan layanan trading mata uang secara lengkap di pasar forex keuangan Internasional. Arah kerja perusahaan utamanya adalah: Memberikan layanan investasi yang berkualitas yang ditujukan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan spekulatif pada pasar keuangan internasional.

Desa Jatisarono

Jatisarono adalah sebuah desa di tepian sungai progo, jatisarono ini wilayahnya terbentang di sebelah Timur pegunungan menoreh.

Jayabhaya Dot Com

Website dengan terobosan baru yang akan memberikan informasi Bisnis dan Gaya hidup Modern, Selamat datang dan selamat bergabung dengan Komunitas Bisnis Masa Depan.


Lifestyle And Business. Jayabhaya ejaan lain Jayabaya adalah seorang tokoh termashur Tanah Jawa, Jayabhaya atau Prabu Jayaaybha merupakan raja Kediri yang paling termashur terutama karena karya karyanya yang dikenal dengan Jangka Jayabhaya. Jayabhaya memerintah Kediri tahun 1135-1157 dengan gelar Kebangsawanannya Sri Maharaja Sang Mapanji Jayabhaya Sri Warmeswara Madhusudana Awataranindita Suhtrisingha Parakrama Uttunggadewa. Pada Masa Prabu Jayabhaya ini sebagai masa keemasan Kerajaan Kediri, dan telah meninggalkan berbagai prasati dan karya sastra diantaranya :

  • Prasasti Hantang/Ngantang 1135
  • Prasasti Talan 1136
  • Prasasti Jepun 1144
  • Kakawin Bharatayudha 1157

Jayabhaya dalam Babad Tanah Jawa atau tradisi Jawa, Jayabhaya adalah Titisan Dewa Wisnu, Negaranya bernama Widarba ibukotanya di Mamenang. Gendrayana nama Ayahnya, putra Yudana, putra Parikesit, putra Abimanyu, Putra Arjuna dari keluarga Pandawa.

Jayabhaya adalah tokoh besar tanah jawa yang identik dengan Ramalan Jayabhaya, yang telah dijadikan Naskah dalam Serat Jayabhaya Musarar, Serat Pranitiwakya dan lain sebagainya. Dalam Serat Jayabhaya Musarar dikisahkan Jayabhaya berguru pada ulama bernama Maolana Ngali Samsujen yang menggambarkan keadaan Pulau Jawa sejak Zaman Ajisaka hingga zaman sesudahnya.

Prabu Jayabhaya memiliki permaisuri Dewi Sara, memiliki anak anak :

  • Pangeran Jayaamijaya, menurunkan raja-raja Tanah Jawa, sampai zaman mataram Islam
  • Dewi Pramesti, menikah dengan Astradarma raja Yawastina yang melahirkan Anglingdharma Raja Malawapati
  • Dewi Pramuni
  • Dewi Sasanti

Prabu Jayabhaya yang merupakan tokoh terkenal bukan hanya di Indonesia namun juga telah mendunia ini saya pakai untuk nama website karena ingat akan kebesaran dan keagungannya. Namun selain karena hal diatas Jayabhaya bagi saya juga sebuah Anonim dari Jaya, Bahagia, Niscaya. Semoga dengan website ini kita dapat meraih Kejayaan, Kebahagian, dan semua itu Niscaya akan kita Raih. Salam dari saya Admin jayabhaya.com


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Jadwal Sholat

Kiranya Segala Puji hanya milik Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala. Sholawat serta salam semoga senantiasa tercurah kepada Nabi kita Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi was sallam tuntunan kita, orang yang sangat kita cintai.  Semua kaum muslim sepakat bahwa sholat lima waktu harus dikerjakan pada waktunya, dalilnya adalah firman Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala,

Ø¥ِÙ†َّ الصَّÙ„َاةَ Ùƒَانَتْ عَÙ„َÙ‰ الْÙ…ُؤْÙ…ِÙ†ِينَ Ùƒِتَابًا Ù…َÙˆْÙ‚ُوتًا

“Sesungguhnya shalat itu adalah fardhu/wajib yang ditentukan waktunya atas orang-orang yang beriman”. [ QS. An Nisa’ (4) : 103]
Penentuan Waktu Shalat
Lifestyle And Business.Penentuan jadwal shalat yaitu “Pergerakan  Matahari ” dilihat dari bumi. Dengan berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan berbagai kemudahan terus dicari dan membuat lebih praktis  dalam segala hal termasuk dalam beribadah khususnya Shalt fardu sebagai ibadah wajib bagi umat Muslim di seluruh Dunia. Diatas ini jadwal shalat fardu tersebut, harapan saya semoga bisa mempermudah kita untuk sholat tepat pada waktunya. Yang saya cantumkan diatas adalah jadwal untuk satu bulan ini, Anda bisa juga melihat jadwal Sholat hari ini.

Jaman dahulu sebelum kaum muslimin menemukan hisab/perhitungan falak/astronomi, waktu shalat ditentukan berdasarkan pengamatan terhadap gejala alam dengan melihat langsung matahari. Kemudian berkembang dengan dibuatnya Jam Surya atau Jam Matahari   serta Jam Istiwa atau sering  disebut Tongkat Istiwa dengan kaidah bayangan matahari.

Menghilangkan Tanda Silang Pada Baterai Laptop

 Bisnis And Lifestyle. Sahabat semua akhirnya saya telah menemukan cara, maksud saya dari hasil search pake google bagaimana cara Menghilangkan Tanda Silang Pada Baterai Laptop, yang kebetulan pada Netbook saya terjadi hal tersebut. Memang sih hal itu bisa terjadi juga karena sudah lamanya usia batre Netbook atau laptop kita, tapi kan tidak ada salahnya kita coba tips dibawah ini, siapa tahu berhasilkan kawan.

  1. Pertama matikan Netbook anda lalu hidupkan kembali
  2. Tekan F8 saat sebelum masuk windows
  3. Dengan cara ini pilih Save Mode
  4. Lepaskan Kabel adaptor yang terhubung ke Netbook
  5. Biarkan Netbook anda mati sendiri karena batrenya habis

Setelah mati coba kita hidupkan lagi tentunya dengan menancapkan kembali kabel adaptornya dan mari kita lihat hasilnya...

Demikian sedikit share saya tentang Menghilangkan Tanda Silang Pada Baterai Laptop


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Alexa Internet

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Octa Markets Incorporated terdaftar pada tahun 2011 di Saint Vincent dan Grenadines bawah nomor lisensi 19.776 IBC 2011. Alamat perusahaan hukum dan korespondensi adalah Cedar Hill Crest, PO Box 1825, Villa, Vincent and the Grenadines. Kegiatan OctaFX diawasi dan diatur oleh pihak berwenang dari Saint Vincent dan Grenadines berdasarkan Undang-undang (Amandemen dan Konsolidasi) perusahaan bisnis Internasional, pasal 149 undang-undang revisi Saint Vincent dan Grenadines 2009, bagian 5 (1). OctaFX bertindak secara penuh sesuai dengan undang-undang internasional dan standar regulasi. Kami sangat percaya bahwa kejujuran adalah kebijakan terbaik. Anda dapat meninjau Dokumen Nasabah serta kebijakan AML dan dokumen hukum yang penting dalam bagian Perjanjian Hukum dari www.octafx.com.
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Instaforex Broker


Perusahaan InstaForex ini memberikan layanan trading mata uang secara lengkap di pasar forex keuangan Internasional atau Dunia. Arah kerja perusahaan utamanya adalah: Memberikan layanan investasi yang berkualitas yang ditujukan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan spekulatif pada pasar keuangan internasional, yang didikung oleh fitur fitur unggulan didalamnya.

    Pelanggan InstaForex didukung oleh teknologi online-trading terkemuka dan mendapatkan akses ke sumber-sumber berita dan informasi yang diberikan oleh agen-agen informasi terkemuka. Saat ini, ribuan pelanggan - baik yang baru maupun trader forex profesional - menggunakan layanan InstaForex.Mari bergabung dan jadi bagian dari Instaforex, Broker Online Trading Forex asal Rusia

Keunggulan Instaforex

Ukuran setoran
Kami menawarkan kepada trader peluang untuk bekerja dengan pasar uang tanpa mempertimbangkan ukuran modal kerjanya. Anda hanya memilih kondisi kerja yang paling nyaman yang sesuai dengan setoran anda dan memulai trading di pasar Forex. Anda bisa memulai dengan nilai setoran berapapun – $10 atau $1000 – yang akan terus meningkatkannya untuk mendapatkan nilai investasi yang lebih besar sehingga mendapatkan keuntungan yang lebih besar pula. Kebanyakan klien kami memulai sebagai trader pemula dengan setoran $10, dan telah berkembang menjadi trader profesional dengan ribuan dolar. Sekarang anda juga dapat melakukannya!

Dengan menggunakan InstaForex, maka anda akan mendapatkan peluang untuk bekerja dengan 107 alat mata uang, 34 CFD kontrak saham Amerika, dan juga menangani transaksi GOLD. Kami memberikan spread yang kompetitif dan efektif untuk setiap alat dalam rangka menciptakan kondisi yang nyaman bagi klien kami.

Kualitas Layanan
Para ahli kami memberkan dukungan teknis pelanggan selama 24/7. Bahkan jika anda menggunakan rekening demo, anda dapat mengandalkan saran ahli dan mendapatkan jawaban bagi semua pertanyaan yang anda miliki, sampai anda menjadi cukup berpengalaman untuk memulai dengan rekening yang sebenarnya. Tujuan utama dari layanan dukungan pelanggan di mata kami adalah kesopanan dan efektifitas ketika menghadapi pelanggan.

Anda bisa memilih nilai leverage mulai dari 1:1 sampai 1:1000 tergantung pada strategi manajemen risiko yang anda gunakan ketika melakukan trading. Jika anda menjadi trader jangka panjang yang diatur oleh konservatisme maka ketika sampai pada manjemen modal, nilai leverage 1:1000 cocok bagi anda. Tetapi jika anda adalah trader jenis agresif di siang hari, maka nilai leverage 1:1000 akan sangat cocok bagi anda.

Melakukan trading Forex tanpa spread
InstaForex memberikan peluang yang luar biasa bagi para kliennya. Anda tidak perlu spread untuk bekerja di pasar uang saat ini! Ini akan memberikan trader pemula dan trader profesional lebih banyak lagi peluang. Melakukan trading tanpa spread membuat proses trading menjadi lebih mudah dipahami secara visual, dan memuat analisis teknis lebih efektif ketika menerima solusi trading.

Beban bunga aset
Semua jenis rekening diberikan bunga tahunan sebesar 6%. Bunga ini dihitung berdasarkan jumlah yang tidak digunakan dalam trading. Pelanggan InstaForex tidak perlu khawatir bahwa keuntungan mereka akan berkurang karena inflasi. InstaForex menciptakan realitasnya sendiri, dan membayar bunga 6% kepada rekening pelanggan pada akhir setiap bulan.

Prinsip-prinsip umum provisi
Ketika InstaForex membuat daftar layanan trading yang tersedia, seluruh spektrum kemungkinan menjadi tersedia bagi para trader. Jika anda merupakan pelanggan baru, anda bisa menjadi percaya diri bahwa anda akan mendapatkan akses yang baik ke semua jenis layanan trading di pasar uang yang muncul dalam waktu dekat. Para ahli di InstaForex menganalisa pasar layanan broker dan melakukan yang terbaik untuk bereaksi terhadap trend yang akan datang. Kami terus menerus berinovasi dengan tetap mengikuti perkembangan para pesaing kami; kami juga melanjutkan pekerjaan reguler dan mengadakan jenis kontrak yang baru.

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What is Forex Trading ?

Forex Trading is trading currencies from different countries against each other. Forex is an inter-bank market that took shape in 1971 when global trade shifted from fixed exchange rates to floating ones. This is a set of transactions among Forex market agents involving exchange of specified sums of money in a currency unit of any given nation for currency of another nation at an agreed rate as of any specified date. During exchange, the exchange rate of one currency to another currency is determined simply: by supply and demand - exchange to which both parties agree.

Actually Forex is the financial game between BULLS and BEARS.

The Major currencies pairs are:

And these are the 6 best Forex Markets.

What are Forex Signals?

Forex signals are indicators that let you know when it's a good time to buy or sell a currency pair. They provide you with insight as to what's going on in the Forex market without the necessity to monitor Forex trends throughout the day. If you are self-employed or employed by another company, Forex trading is likely a part-time endeavor for you. You won't have time to sit at the computer and monitor the Forex market all day. Forex signals can be delivered to you throughout the day by professional Forex traders to give you a heads-up on what's going on in the market. You can receive the signals, and then place the signals for buy or sell.

Forex signals are basically "suggested" buy and sell points with price targets and stop-loss levels delivered by fx signal providers to traders. They may be delivered by email, instant messenger, cellphone, live currency trading systems or direct to your Forex signal metatrader on your desktop.

Forex trading is a risky business and it takes some time to master the art of Forex trading signals. There are a number of fx signal providers but before you choose, you need to make sure you have done your homework. Always ask for the Free signals to deliver for 3 to 5 days and test those signals in your Demo Account.

The main characteristics of Forex trading signals to be aware of are as follows;

Cost: monthly subscription
Complexity: Simple "one email a day" OR Full-Service
Control: You keep full control OR the signal provider trades your a/c for you

Most Forex trade signals charge a very modest subscription fee, usually in the region of USD $80 - $400 per month.

If you're new to Forex trading, you probably realize how important it is to make the right trading decisions. One wrong trading move can drastically harm your portfolio while a good move can bring tremendous profits. That's why trading signals are so important. Once you've tried a Forex demo account for practice and created a strategy that works for you, you can add trading signal services as a useful tool in your Forex trading.

With online Forex, finding a trading signal service is easier than ever.

In their simplest form a Forex trading signal will send you a Forex alert email once a day listing trade set ups for the next 24 hours.

Some Forex signal providers offer a free trial service, thus allowing currency traders to sample the signals to assess their worth. This is a helpful step, as it allows the trader to consider the quality and reliability of the signals before paying money. This is a crucial element in the research process, and weeds out the providers who want money upfront as they are not confident in their ability to call profitable trades. This is a good service that you can try for free for 3 to 5 days.

Various fx signal providers offer a few complimentary services along with the featured ones. Look for a fx signal company that provides email support, phone assistance and even mentoring to their clients. This is of great value, especially to new traders.

They assign their time assisting traders in taking buy/sell decisions. Forex traders depend upon and trust the recommendations of these professional signal providers, while making investing decision in the Forex market

Forex signals are not meant to be a magic solution to all your Forex problems. They are designed to inform you about the market.

Forex business timing is extremely crucial; a trader can earn millions or lose even more depending upon the his timely or untimely actions. Besides, being the biggest market on the face of earth - it generates business activity of almost 3 trillion USD, it operates around the clock, all over the globe, making it thus impossible for a trader to stay vigilant all the time about market fluctuation and probable changes therein. Therefore a trader needs alarms and indicators to get knowledge about the possible opportunities and probable pitch points. Hence the need for Forex signal or alerts. Basically Forex alert or signal is a communication or intimation to the trader indicating the ripe time to buy/sell and the suitable price to pay/ask. Most of the time, such signals and alerts are provided by trained professionals, either individual or companies.

When choosing a Forex signal service, be sure the company offers the type of signal alerts you need. Every person is different. Some require computer or email alerts, while others are not accurate Forex signals are made for both professional traders and although new traders. The best Forex signals trading system is going to cover multiple situations on the Forex market. For instance the best Forex trade signals is going to cover all major currencies like GBP, USD, and EUR at all times the market is open, not only for specific situation. Simply to get the full value of your Forex trade you must know what is happening in regards to all the major currencies. The Forex system should also be able to give you at least 1-3 Forex trading signal alerts a day.

Some Forex trading signals are high volume scalpers, calling many trades in a day aiming to profit a handful of pips on each. Others only call a few trades a day, aiming to profit 20 - 80 pips on each single trade.
Forex trading signal providers help you in minimizing risks or losses in trading.

Forex signals are generally given on a daily updated basis and all are contingent on factual market analysis and behavioral flow and not on mere hearsay and other speculations.

The signals are calculated and generated by using different indicators such as trends, moving average, Elliott waves, Bollinger bands, Fibonacci series, etc. In spite of that, some uses strategies like:

Pip Maximizer Method 1
Pip Maximizer Method 2
Pip Reversal Method
Pip Divergence Method
Instant Pip Method
Pip Retracement Method
Quantum Pip Strategy

... to give profitable and accurate signals.

The following question I wish to raise, is the abundant selection of Forex signals from which we can choose. Because of the variety of service providers, they offer different services, of which we must be aware. The first type of Forex signal provider will just send out trade alerts by email, often daily, sometimes at several intervals throughout the day. Thus you need to have a laptop of email receiving device ready at all times, to gain the most from trading Forex signals.

The next type to consider are through EA/Expert Advisors. These types of signals are not good at all because those are the computer oriented programs which can ruin your money within a few trades. But fortunately this is not such a big problem today, as more traders have email reading devices. The most crucial aspect concerning the format you receive the signals, is to ensure that you receive them immediately, and have the capability to act on them straight away - so you have to have immediate access to your Forex brokerage account, and place the trade as soon as you humanly can.

A unique benefit of trading Forex signals is that it gives guidance and discipline in a Forex currency trader. Forex profit signals service providers send you alerts when the conditions are right for the trade. They use cutting-edge technology which constantly monitor all major currency pairs for generating technical indicators.

Forex signal generators produce Forex signals which are indicators of ideal trading opportunities. These are certain algorithmic patterns which have been evident in successful Forex trades throughout the years. These Forex signals are then fed onto the program of Forex automated EA or Expert Advisors. This program will then either make Forex trading decisions for the individual while s/he is away from the computer or advice the individual about what to do. Forex EAs act like wizards which monitor currency ratings through online Forex Trading Platforms. One can look at Forex signals as triggers of commands which allow the automated system to function.

Forex signals can immeasurably add to the profits of a Forex trader.

How to Receive Forex Signals:
Forex signal services are available to provide signals to you around the clock. These services usually have professional Forex traders who monitor the market 24/7 and provide you with up-to-date information. These services often charge a monthly or yearly subscription fee for their services. The methods used to deliver the Forex signals to you can vary from one service to the next. Signals can be sent through email alerts, to your phone or cell phone, through your pager, or even through a pop-up software system that will show a screen on your computer each time a signal is sent. The services also vary in how they present information to you. Some will provide live charts to give you more insight as to what as happening in the market.

Time frame for which the Forex trading signals are generated is equally important. Few trading signals can be valid only for a few minutes or an hour; others may have recommendations that are valid for a day or more. If the Forex trading signal providers generate signals for shorter time frame, you need to monitor the market frequently.

Some Forex signal service providers offer add-on services like email or mobile alerts. The service provider should have end-to-end technical support for the customers.

Even with experienced traders calling your trades, it's prudent risk management to never ever risk more than 3% of your initial capital on any one trade, preferably only 1%. So, if for example your initial capital, (or to put it another way, the maximum you can afford to lose) is let's say 5,000, the position size you take on each trade should be such that if the trade hit your stop loss, your maximum loss would be no more than 1% x 5,000 = 50.

Forex signal providers render Forex business quite a bit easy for traders, especially those who are relatively new in the business. Forex signal generation and provision can be either manual or automated and it provides entry/exit points of the trade streak for major or already chosen currency pairs. In manual signal generation system a simple trade signal is provided by the single provider. In automated signal generation system, the Forex system not only intimates and alerts the trade to either enter or exit the trade, but some times makes the deal by operating in synchronization with the trader's bank or broker.

Initially Forex signals and alerts used to come in the form of telephone calls and facsimiles. Now as we have stepped into the era of information revolution which has brought forth amazingly advanced digital technology, Forex signals and alerts generation and provision system has also advanced and become much more sophisticated and quick. Now these alerts come in the form of e-mails, SMS (Short Message Service, a way of sending text messages to mobile devices), or desktop software. However with trading Forex signals, there is no such chance to over trade your account. It is absolutely possible to learn the mental aspects of trading, by following a set of rules, and not to deviate from those rules.

Many trading Forex signals provide you with a complete set of instructions in order to take the trade. Frequently the signal will have multiple exits, which enable a trader to take money off the table in small steps. So this enables the currency trader to input all of these prices into his trading platform when he gets the signals, and then to switch off the computer.

As for any purchase, it is essential that the Forex trader first does his research into the more effective trading Forex signal service for him or her. This involves a lot of careful research, and reading various reviews and testimonials of the service in question. Before I go, in conclusion, the trader is strongly advised to practice using the trading Forex signals on a demo account first, so that the Forex trader can totally test out the profitability of the signals. This has an supplementary benefit for a complete new, as it will enable the currency trader to become familiar with the trading platform, and reduce the possibility of making any mistakes.

Whenever possible, go for a free demo account and then try your forex signals for a few days before becoming a paid member. Forex trading does involve some planning and strategy building so be prepared for a steep learning curve before trading with real money!
I'm going to start by telling you some cool facts about the FOREX market.

As you may already know, FOREX is the acronym for "The Foreign Exchange Market." This market concerns itself with the buying and selling of the currencies of just about every country on earth. This market is BIG! So big, in fact, it's hard to wrap your mind around the size of it.

Listen. The daily average volume of FOREX is:

Almost 5 TRILLION Dollars Per Day!

I'm going to try to bring that fact home for you: The New York Stock Exchange has a daily volume of approximately 50 billion dollars. That means the FOREX is 100 times larger than the NYSE

Actually, the daily volume of the FOREX is triple the size of all other investment markets combined!

In spite of its size, the FOREX does not have a physical location or a central exchange. It operates through an electronic network of people, banks and companies that specialize in trading one currency for another.

Almost all FOREX trades are executed on the internet by someone sitting at a computer with a high-speed connection. So, if you don't like working with a computer you may as well stop reading... because... you will be left out.

Still with me? Good.

The Only 24 Hour Financial
Market In The Whole World
Because the FOREX does not have a physical location or a central exchange, it is able to operate on a 24 hour basis leapfrogging from one time zone to another across the major financial centers of the world.

The FOREX market actually follows the sun around the globe... because... as one country is closing for the day, another is just opening up. This market is open 24 hours a day, six days a week from 5:00 PM Sunday (East Coast Time) to 4:00 PM Friday (East Coast Time). This 24 hour access combined with its huge trading volume makes this...

The Most Liquid
Market On Earth!
Except for Saturdays, you can enter or exit the FOREX market anytime night or day. This market has virtually no gaps whatsoever and your stop-loss orders are almost guaranteed.

Can you imagine that? The multi-trillion dollar liquidity, combined with 24-hour trading access virtually guarantees your stop-loss orders will be executed without slippage.

Just try to get that kind of guarantee from your stockbroker!

The stock, futures and options markets cannot offer you this guarantee because the limited trading hours create frequent gap opens. Nearly all Forex brokers make sure their hours of operation coincide with the hours of operation of the global FOREX market.

Let's see, what else?
Oh, yeah, no one can corner the market. The FOREX market is so huge and has so many global participants that no single individual nor entity... not even a central bank... can control the market for any significant period of time.

There Is No Insider Trading!
Because of the vast size of the global FOREX market and its non-centralized nature, there is no chance whatsoever for disruptions caused by insider trading. There is less chance for fraud in the FOREX than in any other investment market. Best of all forex can never become zero but stocks can become zero and majority of the options expire worthless.

There are no commissions. Yep, you read it right. No exchange fees, no closing fees, no government fees, no brokerage fees. This all adds up to a very low retail transaction cost. If you select your broker properly, your round-trip transaction cost could be as low as .07 percent.

And know this, a very desirable by-product of extremely high liquidity is almost instantaneous transactions executed with blinding speed. You can leverage your trades by a factor of 50 to 1, 100 to 1 and even 400 to 1.

Not only that, you can trade with a very low margin with relative safety compared to the disastrous potential of margin trading found in other financial markets. Also it is tax free income if the country you reside has no capital gain tax.

And finally, if you get really great at currency trading, your potential financial reward is so big it can make your head swim!

As an experienced researcher, my idea is to learn and share everything I can with my readers. Stay tuned for more business, travel and career ideas as I love to write about this subjects and more...

I have the Love and Passion for Trading which force me to spend countless hrs for learning, experimenting & perfecting the Art & Science of Trading. My ultimate purpose is to help you live the life that you deserve. I know how it is, most people work hard to make a living, yet it feels like a never-ending treadmill. After paying the bills, there doesn't seem to be enough left over to enjoy what life has to offer. I know EXACTLY how it feels, because I was there once. I did my research and discovered how many of the world's richest people had made their fortunes. I modeled my efforts on their example, and invested time, money and energy to learn all I could about Trading. Lifestyle And Business

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