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Negara Yang Memberi Hukuman Mati Bagi Koruptor

Di hari anti korupsi ini kita akan membahas hegara hegara di dunia yang secara tegas berani menjatuhkan fonis mati kepada para pejabat negaranya yang mengorupsi uang dari kas negara maupun perusahaan negara, dan siapakah negara negara itu berikut ini akan kita share beberapa informasi tentang Negara Yang Memberi Hukuman Mati Bagi Koruptor
Berikut ini daftar negara negara tersebut :
  1. China :
    Di China, siapapun yang korupsi lebih dari 100.000 yuan atau USD 16.340 atau sekitar Rp 193 juta bisa dipidana hukuman mati. Salah satu vonis hukuman mati jatuh ke Menteri Perkeretaapian China Liu Zhijun. Dia divonis hukuman mati karena menerima suap dan menyalahgunakan wewenangnya.Dalam penjelasannya, pengadilan mengumumkan, Liu sejak tahun 1972 sampai 2011 menyalahgunakan jabatannya dan membantu 11 orang untuk memenangkan tender proyek-proyek pembangunan perusahaan-perusahaan kereta api. Liu mengaku secara keseluruhan dirinya mengantongi USD 13,51 juta dari aktivitas korupsi yang dilakukannya pada kurun 1986 sampai 2011.
  2. Vietnam :
    Hukuman mati untuk koruptor juga diterapkan di Vietnam. Hukuman mati kerap diberikan kepada pejabat negara atau perusahaan milik negara yang terbukti melakukan korupsi. Hukuman tidak berlaku untuk wanita hamil dan wanita yang merawat anak di bawah usia 36 tahun saat vonis diberikan. Biasanya hukuman diubah menjadi hukuman seumur hidup dalam beberapa kasus.
  3. Singapura :
    Negara ini juga dikenal sebagai salah satu negara dengan tingkat korupsi paling rendah di dunia. Salah satu sebabnya adalah hukuman keras terhadap pelaku korupsi. Hukum di Singapura tegas terhadap pelaku kejahatan seperti pembunuhan, penyelundupan obat terlarang dan juga korupsi. Pada kurun 1994-1999 hukuman mati diberikan pada lebih dari seribu orang.
  4. Taiwan :
Sebelum tahun 2000 Taiwan tingkat eksekusi hukuman mati di Taiwan sangat tinggi. Tetapi setelah melewati perdebatan ramai, angkanya menurun dengan hanya tiga kasus hukuman mati pada 2005 dan tidak ada pada 2006-2009. Eksekusi hukuman mati diberikan kepada pelanggaran seperti pembunuhan, penyelundupan obat terlarang dan juga korupsi. Namun, dalam undang-undang anti korupsi di Taiwan, hukuman mati hanya diberikan kepada mereka yang maling uang untuk bencana alam dan dana untuk mengatasi krisis ekonomi.

Dengan ketegasan dalam pemberian hukuman tersebut maka akan menghadirkan efek jera kepada pelakunya juga akan menjadikan orang yang bekum melakukan korupsi akan berfikir seribu kali untuk melakukan korupsi. Sebagai buktinya misalnya singapura kini menjadi negara dunia yang bebas korupsi dengan Singapore memiliki nilai CPI sama dengan Denmark, 9,3. dalam hal bersih dari korupsi atau sudah dibilang sempurna.
Sumber : merdeka.com

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The term “oversold” is used to describe a market that has declined or pulled back to a point at which, historically, it has tended to reverse and move higher. Oversold is the opposite of overbought.

To identify oversold conditions in markets, traders and investors use technical indicators known as oscillators. One of the more popular oscillators for identifying overbought conditions is the Relative Strength Index.

Trading strategies that are designed to buy markets that are oversold are often called “pullback” or “mean reversion” strategies. These strategies look to buy markets that are in longer-term uptrends, but have moved lower in the short term. As a short term trading strategy, pullback or mean reversion strategies that buy markets that are oversold tend to sell those markets after they have rallied into strength.

Below is an example of a pullback or mean reversion trade in oversold market. This example comes from Larry Connors Daily Battle Plan (click here to learn more about the Daily Battle Plan), and shows both the entry and exit levels in an ETF market that had become oversold in the short term.

Above, the SPDR S&P 500 Trust ETF or SPY rallying from short term oversold conditions. The technical indicator in the lower pane is the Relative Strength Index. The area highlighted in yellow indicates the time the SPY spent in oversold territory.

Generally speaking, the more oversold a market becomes, particularly an equities market, the more powerful that market’s subsequent oversold bounce tends to be. In other words, over the short term, markets that become very oversold are likely to outperform markets that are only moderately oversold, or even markets that are not oversold at all and are, in fact, even overbought.

This insight is at the heart of the research by Larry Connors and Connors Research. This research showed, for example, that from 1995 to 2007, the S&P 500 gained more than 4x its weekly average gain in just five days after moving lower for three days in a row. By contrast, over the same time period, the S&P 500 has lost money after five days following instances when it has rallied for three days in a row – rather than retreated.

While other markets, such as commodities markets, often have a tendency to “become oversold and stay oversold”, equities and equities based markets have shown a historical tendency, over the short term, to move from oversold to overbought and back again. This tendency has held up in overall up markets, overall down markets, and markets that move sideways for extended periods of time. Taking advantage of this tendency in equities and equities based markets is one of the hallmarks of swing trading.

Sumber : www.tradingmarkets.com


The term “overbought” is used to describe a market that has advanced to a point at which, historically, it has tended to reverse and move lower. Overbought is the opposite of oversold.

To identify overbought conditions in markets, traders and investors use technical indicators known as oscillators. One of the more popular oscillators for identifying overbought conditions is the Relative Strength Index.

There are two ways that identifying overbought conditions can be helpful for traders and investors. Identifying short term overbought extremes in markets that are in uptrends can help alert traders and investors to opportunities to take profits or reduce exposure.

Conversely, identifying short term overbought extremes in markets that are in longer term downtrends can help traders looking for markets to sell short.

Below is an example of a market that has become overbought. The indicator used in the chart is the 2-period RSI.

Note how two bouts of trading in overbought territory led to sell-offs or pullbacks in the overall uptrend of the PowerShares QQQQ in the fall of 2010.

As with oversold markets, the more overbought a market becomes, the more powerful the subsequent sell-off is likely to be. This is one reason why market sell-offs after extended advances can be far stronger than many expect, leading some to believe a change in trend has occurred – such as a shift from a bull market to a bear market – when in fact the market may have simply been correcting an exceptionally overbought condition.

Sumber : www.tradingmarkets.com

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